About me

A sample of the definitions of ‘Brummie’ taken from Urban Dictionary (with the grammar tidied up a tad).

(1) A person who is from Birmingham (UK)

‘You’ve got a weird accent, where are you from, Birmingham?’
‘Yeah, I’m a Brummie.’

(2)… A person who improves the lives of those around them, but only because they will fall up a stair and yell out loudly in pain, therefore adding to the hilarity of any situation.

‘That kid just fell down while standing still. He must be a Brummie.’

Both of these definitions apply to me. Pretty much my entire sense of humour revolves around type two fun as it is quite possibly the only way I can be funny.

My name is Cassi and I was born and raised in Birmingham, England.  I moved to China when I was eighteen as part of my Gap Year and have had the travel bug ever since.

We’re part of the first generation for which seeing the world is actually plausible and affordable and it seems utterly insane to me to not take advantage of that. As such, I like to think that I dabble in travel. And blogging. But that doesn’t sound as good as a ‘travel-dabble’.

Anyway, I would like to turn my dabbling into… what’s the stage after a dabble? A bigger dabble? Dabble 2.0? Dabble and the chamber of secrets?

I digress.

This blog is my way of keeping track of what I do and pretending to improve (i.e., learn from scratch) a social media skill while I do it. Please enjoy how awkward I am in all situations and take motivation from the fact that if this weird Brummie girl can go off on solo adventures and live to blog the tale, I’m pretty sure anyone can!